Bush Pigs in the Bush

July 19th, 2012

I have seen bush pigs before, but they are always running away, so I’ve never gotten a proper sense of just what it is that they are.  Then, a couple days ago while searching for baboons, I saw a fuzzy sort of thing in a jungly bit of forest and crept closer to see if it was a baboon.  It was not.  It was three bush pigs.  And I nearly soiled myself.  Bush pigs are *$%#ing enormous—terrifyingly so—and I was only 10 feet away from a little group snuffling around in the undergrowth.  I backed slowly away and they, being pretty darn blind, must have thought I too was a baboon because they didn’t startle and run the way they normally do.  Once I stopped thinking I was about to be killed (an irrational thought since these ones bolt rather than charge), I managed to get a picture of one.  So, for your slightly blurry viewing pleasure, I present:

Trust me, this sucker is huge. Up to my belly button. At least. Head the size of a small vehicle.